Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Prom Night: Saturday, May 5, 2007.

Words just can't describe how amazing the prom was.

The room was very well decorated; in the morning we (Jessica, Chloë, Gala, Alice, Nico, Arthur, Antoine, Andreas and I) blew up balloons (and popped some...), and hanged them up on pillars, all over the room. With the help of Lucas and Omar, we moved chairs and tables, so as to make room for the students (and teachers!) to dance. It was around 8 PM that the fun really started...

The DJs got there at around 7:45 pm. At the time, there weren't many people, but everyone ended up coming sooner or later. There was a screen with movies playing (Alice In Wonderland, Shrek, etc.), which I think, added some effect to the decoration. The music started at around 8:00-8:15 pm, and most people started getting on the dancefloor. A mix of everything: pop, rock, R'n'B, hip-hop... you name it. Despite the fact that most feet hurt during the night, the dancefloor was never empty; people continued dancing along to whatever was playing that night, alone or together. I also had fun hanging around with people outisde (Zalia, Eva, Félix, Xavier and Louis), as well as dancing with a LOT of people, running around with everyone, a chain of people dancing. (la chenille, quoi ...) Many people were in it the first time, so it was really cool.
There were no slow dances, just music that everybody could dance along to. It was a really great night, and a BIG thank you to everyone that helped organizing it, and selling tickets.

Pictures can be found here.

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