Saturday, September 29, 2007

Moving is never a simple task.

Especially when it's across the Atlantic fucking Ocean. Although it's not like I haven't done it before, so I guess it really isn't that bad...

I know that I don't regret doing it, and seeing what's going on right now I wouldn't trade it for anything, even if it meant going back... it's going to be a busy year though, so I won't update this for a while [not like I do anyway, seeing as my last entry was two months ago...].

Today was pretty fun, walking around Central Park with some people not exactly knowing where we were going but ending up on the other side of the city while stopping to get some refreshments at Starbucks [I still think that it's too commercialized, btw].

Yet, it's funny how I miss being with everyone in Paris, walking around during the night doing fuck all, getting drunk [or other people], watching movies, crashing everywhere, and all of that stuff. The fête de la musique was really something though, because it's when I saw everyone for the last time... shame I don't have pictures but you know. Memories don't leave you... [Putain, ils ont transformé la salle des lycéens en salle de cours ! RIP]

Here's to a good school year, new friendships, experiences, and anything else.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

EDIT: Well, now I know it works...

Monday, July 16, 2007

Not a fan of change of plans.

Howdy friends.

So, it turns out I'm not going to New York anymore... which means no LTJ & RBF on Thursday, also no Metro Station on July 31, and also no Dad... meaning I won't see him until 2008.

Personally, these kind of things make me mad because it just screws up everything, y'know? If you say you're going to do something, then do it! Originally, I was going to move there but now I can't, and it sucks. It just sucks. I hate the fact that I have to see my dad every two years. I hate the fact that I'm living with a hypocrite of a mother (I could call her other names, but I won't). I hate the fact that right now, things are going downhill.

So far. My summer vacation sucks.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I haven't been on here in forever.

So I haven't been on here in ages.

No one reads this anyway, so what's the point.... too many blogs and stuff to take care of.

So far my vacation's going pretty well; got a new iPod video a few weeks ago, saw some friends... but I sleep less and less. Insomnia for ya.

Oh well. I'm busy writing fan fiction nowadays anyway, haha.

You can catch me on MSN, AIM, Yahoo Messenger, MMO forums, GSB, Skyblog, MySpace or DeviantArt.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

"Zodiac" + Sleepover at Vanessa's house: Saturday, May 26, 2007

What a movie. What a night.

I'll start off by saying this: Zodiac isn't that good of a movie. Despite some moments, the movie was too long [2h40!!], and it was also predictable, mais bon...

After the movie, we (Sean, Alexandre, Roch, Shazmeen, Zoé, Vanessa and I) went to Vanessa's house, where we were going to watch Team America: World Police, but decided to watch something else instead.
The metro ride was a bit ... disturbing, with the guys and Shazmeen having a very interesting (to say the least) conversation, while Vanessa, Zoé and I patiently waited to arrive at Alexandre Dumas. Once there, we met Suzanne and Imogen, who were waiting for us to come back from the movies for a while, and went upstairs, forgetting Zoé somewhere on the fifth floor...

After having settled, the rest of us (minus Imogen, who had to leave) watched Kill Bill II, waiting for the pizzas to be ready. Some of us helped make dinner [which was VERY good!], others waited patiently and watched the movie. We did have a bit to drink (some had more Jack Daniels than others...) before eating though. Once the pizzas were ready, we all dug in, waiting for the Cannelloni and Hachis Parmentier to be ready.

Once the movie was over, Sean and Roch went home by metro, and Alexandre (who desperately wanted to stay...) by car, but we all got lost even with the help of a map. Then we went to pick up Jessica at about 1 AM, and returned to Vanessa's crib at around 1:30 am. The girls (Shazmeen, Suzanne and Vanessa) talked all night, while Zoé played a bit of guitar, leaving me to catch some z's.

After waking up at 7:55 am, we all got ready and went to meet up with a few members of the band "Last Wings", and went our separate ways.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

In The Fall, In The Fall, When The Tide Took Them All.

I need to talk to someone. I don't care who. I feel as if I can't trust people I know anymore, because either they won't listen or they'll end up telling the whole world, which pisses me off even more. I have to deal with my whiny attention-seeking crazy psychopath of a parent every day, as well as the rest of my family and I can't take it. I miss my dad horribly, but I don't want to leave the school. I'm lost. I don't know what I want to do in life, what I'm going to do next year, and how I'm going to end up in life...

I get treated like dirt again, in school. I help people out, yet everything crashes back down on my shoulders. I like people who'll never lime me back. I hang out with people who honestly couldn't care less about the stuff I say, or what I do. My grades are slipping a bit, and the exams have already started. Our stupid conseil de classe is in less than three weeks, so that makes things even worse...

I overthink a lot about everything, lose sleep, and cry over people who aren't even worth it, but that's just who I am, I'm too sensitive and take care of others before taking care of myself.

I need help...

Music: Surrender - Billy Talent

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Prom Night: Saturday, May 5, 2007.

Words just can't describe how amazing the prom was.

The room was very well decorated; in the morning we (Jessica, Chloë, Gala, Alice, Nico, Arthur, Antoine, Andreas and I) blew up balloons (and popped some...), and hanged them up on pillars, all over the room. With the help of Lucas and Omar, we moved chairs and tables, so as to make room for the students (and teachers!) to dance. It was around 8 PM that the fun really started...

The DJs got there at around 7:45 pm. At the time, there weren't many people, but everyone ended up coming sooner or later. There was a screen with movies playing (Alice In Wonderland, Shrek, etc.), which I think, added some effect to the decoration. The music started at around 8:00-8:15 pm, and most people started getting on the dancefloor. A mix of everything: pop, rock, R'n'B, hip-hop... you name it. Despite the fact that most feet hurt during the night, the dancefloor was never empty; people continued dancing along to whatever was playing that night, alone or together. I also had fun hanging around with people outisde (Zalia, Eva, Félix, Xavier and Louis), as well as dancing with a LOT of people, running around with everyone, a chain of people dancing. (la chenille, quoi ...) Many people were in it the first time, so it was really cool.
There were no slow dances, just music that everybody could dance along to. It was a really great night, and a BIG thank you to everyone that helped organizing it, and selling tickets.

Pictures can be found here.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Stand Up; Take A Bow, You Have No Reason To Celebrate.

No you don't.
I can't take any of your stuff anymore. If you won't accept me for who I am, then get out of here. You can walk out the door; your loss. :)

Monday, April 23, 2007

We Don't Need Them... And I Don't Need You.

I can't take this anymore. I'm tired of hiding myself "in a hole", and not assuming what I do, and also lying to everyone (including myself) about who I really am.

You want to know who I am? Fine.

I am 15 years old. I do like to go to parties, as long as things don't get overboard.

I don't like to be left out of things, or feel like the only person that doesn't know what's going on when everyone else does.

I do watch a lot of cartoons, as well as kid shows. So sue me.

I like to dance to anything I listen to, whether it be rap, rock, jazz... whatever. It doesn't matter whether that song was played on MTV.

If I have a song in my head, chances are I like that song.

I do not like to be forced into doing something I don't want to do, so don't even try me.

I may overreact over little things; I try to control myself though.

If I don't drink anything at parties (and god knows how much booze they have at parties here...), it's not because I don't drink. It's because I don't like the taste. I know it isn't cool to drink, and it's even worse when you laugh at people who don't.

Stop assuming that I am an attention-seeker: it's not because I have bad days (more than one in a week), that it's because I want attention from people. Everybody has problems, and different ways to deal with them. I HATE attention-seekers.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

S.O.S, This Is A Global Call.

I've been listening to Anti-Flag too much lately.
I get the feeling that tomorrow won't be a good day, neither will the next seven weeks coming up, but hey... I finish on June 8, then I will HOPEFULLY fly off to the U.S.A for a good part of the summer vacation. :)


Friday, April 20, 2007


Hypocrites. Urgh.

I know too many of them. It makes me mad. You have no idea.

I've known them for too long, some people that I've known my whole life, others in school and such. What I want to know is, what have I done to them? It's been going through my mind for the past 3-4 years, but I'm not going to bother with them anymore... I'd rather be alone than waste my time with them.
Only two more years left... two long years.

Check out the links below. :)



Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Hectic Holidays.

What's new...? Spring break is coming to an end (sadly), and I can't say that I had fun, with my sister and all. The prom's coming up (May 5th!) and I still haven't found a DJ, but I do have a dress. :)

Enjoy your day/evening, fellow bloggers.

See you all next time.